In 1798, Queen D. Maria I of Portugal decreed regulations to introduce and develop normative postal services between Portugal and its colonies, leading to the establishment in the same year of the Maritime Mail in Macao, that was responsible for the management, collection and distribution of mail transported by shipment, making Macao the first city in China to offer modern postal services. The Maritime Mail was not an official government department at the time, and was mainly administered by a single person, the director, whose residence was therefore housed inside the headquarters of the Post Office. In 1884, the Bureau of Macao Post was officially created and it became an official government department, their first office was established at the intersection of Rua de Santa Clara and Rua do Campo.
Construction of the current Post Office building began in 1925 and completed in 1929. The 3 storey building was designed by the renowned Chinese architect Chan Kun Pui at the time, and featured with Neoclassicism architectural elements.
Architectural characteristics:
This three-storey classical building has a bell tower which reports the time with music.