It is said that this temple was constructed in the Ming Dynasty. However, according to a record found in a memorial stone at the site, the temple was officially constructed in 1723. With the passage of time there were several alterations, progressively adopting the present-day structure. At this site, the deities of Tin Hau and Kun Iam are worshiped. The name of the temple was originally “Palace Chi Hu”, later adopting the designation of “New Temple of Nheong Ma” and finally the name of “Lin Fong Temple”. This temple was constructed by the Chinese Government and by local Chinese businessmen, who jointly supported construction expenses. The site served, not only for worship, but also as the place where Chinese officials would stay when they came to Macao in official capacity. The famous Chinese official Lam Chak Choi, envoy of the Emperor, and Tang Teng Chen, Governor of Canton, visited Macao in 1839 to hold meetings with Portuguese official counterparts. The main pavilions are organized following the main axis of the entrance, with symmetrical side pavilions separated by corridors on each side. The first central pavilion is named Pai Teng, the second is dedicated to Tin Hau, following the one dedicated to Kun Iam. In the left side alignment there is the temple of Ian Sau, followed by the temple of Man Cheong and the one dedicated to Kam Fa Tao Mou. On the right side is located the temple of Mou Tai.
Architectural characteristics:
Lin Fong Temple is one of the three oldest temples in Macao and is fairly large. It consists of two parallel chambers, each with three halls in succession with a pavilion reserved for Chinese officials who came to Macao. The central hall is dedicated to Tin Hau (Goddess of Heaven), while other chambers are dedicated to Goddess Kun Iam (Goddess of Mercy), Kuan Tai (God of War and Wealth), I Leng (God of Medicine) Shen Nong (God of Agriculture), Kum Fa (Goddess of Golden Flowers, patron of children) and other gods and goddesses. In front of the temple there is a spacious forecourt shaded by banyan trees.